WCBC Ride Leader Awards Policy

Provide a club-approved award to ride leaders who accumulate a predetermined number of points by leading rides each year, as a way to recognize their volunteer efforts for the club. These awards are contingent on sufficient funds available in the Club treasury.

The Ride Captain will recognize each ride leader who has accumulated sufficient points by leading regular or multi-day rides; or has organized a major ride during the calendar year. Point totals are determined at year’s end. The award is typically a ride leader’s bike jersey, but can be any award of the Ride Captain’s choosing with approval by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee must determine availability of funds for the awards.

Award Criteria
Rides are credited 1 point for each ride led and for which an online waiver/sign-in is received by the Ride Captain. Rides must be on the WCBC electronic Ride Calendar at least 3 days prior to the ride. Any ride on the calendar counts as a ride led, even cancelled and rained out rides. Multi-day rides are credited 1 point for each riding day of the event. A waiver/sign-in sheet for the tour must also be received by the Ride Captain.

Ride Leader
WCBC member in good standing who led WCBC rides prior to 2009 or has completed the WCBC Ride Leader training (since 2009).

Major Rides
Club sanctioned supported rides that are a revenue source for the club, e.g. Icicle, Doublecross, Shorefire and Savage.

Multi-Day Rides
Club sanctioned multi-day rides, e.g. Rehoboth Weekend.

Regular Rides
Rides that are present on the WCBC ride calendar at least 3 days prior to the ride.