COVID-19 – Club Update Page

This page has been created to provide a single source of information with regard to how WCBC is being impacted by COVID-19.

(Updated 04/21/20, 05/11/20, 06/02/20, 06/09/20, 06/15/20, 07/10/20, 04/07/2022  – JWHaupt)

This page will be used to post updated information along with guidance with respect to club events.

For 2022 – All events and club-led rides are on without restriction, but we do require that if you are feeling sick that you not join an event or club-led ride out of respect for the health of others.  If the club official or ride leader observes that you are not following this requirement, you will be asked to leave the event/ride.  

We are continuing to monitor the situation and will provide additional updates regarding club activities and events that are scheduled to occur in the coming months. Our decisions will be based on a combination of guidance from local authorities along with our assessment of the ability to ensure the health and safety of event participants.

Major Events

    • Icicle – on as planned
    • Annual Picnic – on as planned
    • Doublecross – on as planned
    • Shorefire – on as planned
    • Savage – on as planned
    • Volunteer Brunch – on as planned

Club-led rides

Club Stuff

    • Monthly Club Meetings have moved to a virtual online format – please contact JW Haupt at if you would like to receive an invitation to attend

Feel free to reach out to me directly should you have any questions.

JW Haupt
WCBC President