Using your responses and suggestions from last year’s 4 major ride event surveys along with the membership survey, here is the Club’s improvement progress through the fourth quarter 2024:
Ride Calendar
✅ Schedule Family rides
✅ Conduct Family rides
✅ Schedule Saturday rides
✅ Conduct Saturday rides
✅ Schedule Slower Pace rides
✅ Conduct Slower Pace rides
✅ Schedule Zwift Club rides
✅ Conduct Zwift Club rides
⭐️ Totaled 233 scheduled rides conducted by 35 Ride Leaders
⭐️ Totaled of 2,067 riders participated with 224 unique riders
✅ Create access to real-time Club communication platform (Discord)
✅ Improve website
✅ Publish monthly welcome message announcing individuals who joined the club
⭐️ To date, 486 messages over 11 communications platforms
⭐️ From Q2 to Q3, 2,600 total clicks on website—increase of 19.1%
⭐️ From Q2 to Q3, 1,900 unique visitors from search—increase of 10.7%
⭐️ From Q3 to Q4, 884 unique visitors from search—decrease of 54%
Major Supported Ride Events
✅ Discount cost via Club membership
✅ Schedule 3 start times for 3 different speed levels so individuals can elect to join and ride as group (#RideTogether)
✅ Establish 3 start times for 3 different speed levels locations so individuals can elect to join and ride as group (#RideTogether)*
✅ Solicit homemade snacks contributions for rest stops again
✅ Provide homemade snacks for rest stops
✅ Provide end-of-ride sandwiches and/or pizza
✅ Post additional route arrows/signs
✅ Offer Club merchandise for sale (buffs, shirts)
⭐️ Conducted 4 major supported ride events + Club Summer Picnic
⭐️ Totaled 513 riders participated in 4 major supported ride events
⭐️ *Transitioned to Discord instead of signs for finding same level cycling partners
Please let us know how things went in 2024 via:
2024 WCBC Membership Feedback Survey Link