General Information

Established in 1973, the White Clay Bicycle Club (WCBC) consists of approximately 300 cyclists from Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania area. We come in all shapes and sizes, young and old, and all abilities with one very important factor in common—a love of cycling!

We are roadies, adventure cyclists, tourists, gravel bikers, racers, mountain bikers and tandem riders. We are commuters and daily riders, weekend and occasional riders and even non-riders. What keeps all of us going is our enthusiasm for health, camaraderie, love of the outdoors and desire to learn more about ourselves and our sport.

White Clay Bicycle Club Business Card

Monthly Club Meetings

Meetings are held the first Monday of the month, 7:00 pm via Zoom. The WCBC Executive Committee (EC) discusses club business and periodically special guests present enrichment programs. Occasionally, an in-person meeting will occur. All Club members are welcome to attend meetings. Information and Zoom link are available on the Ride Calendar.

Honors & Recognition