3 Safety Event Options

A trio of cycling road safety and rights events are happening in May. Each free event offers a different way for riders—both on and off the bike—to convey concerns, ideas and solutions with the public and government officials.

1️⃣  On May 14, the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) will host a public workshop at Hanover Presbyterian Church in Wilmington to kick-off the concept design process for Baynard Boulevard & Washington Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements. The proposed project includes a 2-way separated bike lane and pedestrian safety improvements throughout the Baynard Boulevard and Washington Street corridor from Concord Avenue to 8th Street in Wilmington.

This public workshop will introduce the project’s scope, challenges and constraints, and will solicit public feedback about perceived deficiencies for walking and cycling through the project limits. Feedback will be incorporated into a proposed concept plan for the project and presented at a second public workshop in early summer. 

2️⃣  The Ride of Silence (ROS) in Philadelphia presented by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCGP) is part of the national event on May 15. This silent, slow, short ride brings attention to the tragedy of cyclists killed/injured in motor vehicle-related accidents and raises awareness about the rights of cyclists to ride the roads. A pre-ride ceremony honors those cyclists hurt or killed the past year in the greater southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Approximately 500 riders are expected to participate.

3️⃣  The Legislature Bike to Dover presented by the DelDot and Delaware Bicycle Council is a semi-formal ride to the state capital on May 22. Enjoy the ride while sharing with government officials while your love of cycling and the value of biking laws and infrastructure. A return bus ride back to Wilmington is available, but seats are limited.