Each submitted ride should include these descriptors:
- Total distance in miles
- Terrain, selected from these choices (Flat, Flat-to-rolling, Rolling, Rolling-to-hilly, Hilly, Very hilly)
- Starting Location
- Destination
- Author’s initials
- Brief description, e.g. significant cautions (such as no water/food options, unpaved sections, etc.), total feet of climb, key features (e.g. great views, historical interest, etc.)
This is a compilation of some favorite routes of the White Clay Bicycle Club, in the Delaware-Maryland-Pennsylvania area. The data are as correct as possible but there are no guarantees. Construction or other changes in road conditions may change without notice and may not be reflected here. The rides are not rated for difficulty since this is so subjective depending on the rider(s), winds, rain, heat, etc. Use the mileage and description to determine the degree of difficulty of the ride for you. You may wish to take along a good local road map, in case there are errors or detours, or you are not comfortable with the level of traffic. Delaware Bicycling Maps can be requested here:
If you use these routes, please report any corrections or suggested changes to