Car Back — Ride single file or double file as appropriate to the roadway and traffic conditions. When a car is trying to pass, you ride single file and let the cars safely pass.
Avoid Busy Roads — If you ride on a busy highway, chances are you will ruffle the delicate feathers of already edgy commuters. Examine a detailed map of your area and you may be surprised at the many quiet roads available nearby. Be careful about provocative actions. When stopped at a red light, do not irritate a driver by leaning against the car or by riding in circles in front of the vehicle.
Return the Favor — Cyclists come to appreciate little unexpected courtesies from motorists. We all nod or say thanks to the driver who has the right-of-way but waves us through anyway. Try returning the favor. An example would be to motion a driver to make his turn in front of you if you’ll be slow getting underway. Who knows? That driver might look a bit more favorably on the next cyclist down the road.
Delaware Yield — Delaware passed a law that allows cyclists to consider Stop signs as they would a Yield sign, proceeding through an intersection when safe to do so. Not every motorist is aware of the law, so use your own judgment when determining when it is safe for you to proceed.