BSCPA Bike Routes


Bicycle South Central PA Posts Regional Bike Routes and Biking Resources for Public Use

BSCPA, a regional advocacy group, has been working with experienced local cyclists to create a collection of bike routes that can be used by bike riders who want to ride from community to community throughout Central PA. These routes were created on Ride With GPS so directions are available in GPS format as well as cue sheets.

Destinations primarily include cities and towns in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry and York Counties. This currently includes the communities of Gettysburg, Hershey, Lancaster, Hanover, Carlisle, Columbia, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Marysville, Chambersburg, York and others.  Most routes are on paved roadways, but some offer off-road trail options. New routes will continue to be added.

The BSCPA website also has information about the PA Bike Routes, off-road trails, mountain biking, local loop routes within a specific area and more.

 The routes and bicycling resources can be found at