⭐️ In recognition of White Clay Bicycle Club’s 50th Anniversary, the State of Delaware issue a special resolution:
State of Delaware Senate Tribute
The entire Senate of the 152nd General Assembly of the State of Delaware joins President Pro Tempore David P. Sokola, Sponsor, in paying tribute to the White Clay Bicycle Club as it celebrates its Golden Anniversary
THE SENATE HONORS MEMBERS OF THE WHITE CLAY BICYCLE CLUB, PAST AND PRESENT, for their dedication to their sport over the past century. The club had its origins in a group of friends who began gathering to ride their bikes together in late 1972. In early 1973, they organized officially as a bicycle club. They published their first newsletter in March of that year and consider the First Day of March 1973 to be the club’s official starting date.
Over their five decades, members of the White Clay Bicycle Club have made a number of contributions to improving the quality of life and the sport of bicycling in the tri-state area. These have included embracing and promoting cycling accessibility and diversity, hosting large cycling ride-supported public events, pioneering early adoption of cycling helmet usage, teaching road safety awareness, sponsoring cycling advocacy efforts, and numerous other services to improve and promote the sport of cycling.
The Senate thanks all those who have been a part of White Clay Bicycle Club over the last half century for all they have done on behalf of their sport and extends to the club sincere best wishes for many more years of success. The Senate approves this tribute on this 28th Day of June 2023.
Senator David P. Sokola, President Pro Tempore – Sponsor
Ryan C. Dunphy, Secretary of the Senate