As club-led rides resume quite a few are probably asking themselves: “Is My Club Membership current?”
That’s a question that you can answer with a few clicks of a mouse.
As you know we use for our online member registration. BikeReg has an easy tool that will allow you to check to see if you are a member and, if not, you are already there so you can register as a member.
Here is what you do…
Select this link to go to the our Membership page on BikeReg – pick me
While on that page, above and to the right of our Club logo you’ll see “Who’s Registered?” Click on it
The next page will provide you with a search tool to “Search Participants“. You’ll enter your last name and then select the search tool (magnifying glass)
If you are a member your name will appear. If you are not simply back out one page and select “Register” to the upper left of our Club logo and complete the Membership registration process.
It’s that simple.