Responding to the WCBC membership survey results, the Club is planning a monthly Saturday Family Ride from May through September. Requests stated a desire to create family-oriented group rides* and also to schedule rides on Saturdays*.
A Family Ride will be an all-age-inclusive and slow-paced event. Routes will be designed to be as flat as possible. Ride length will be around 15 miles.
The first scheduled ride is 8 miles straight down the canal trail and back from Delaware City, DE on May 18 at 10:30 a.m. The second ride will be held on June 15 via the Jack A. Markell (JAM) Trail from North Wilmington to New Castle and back.
All are welcome to participate in these free family-focused events with Ride Leaders. See the Ride Calendar for registration and additional information.
*Implemented per results, requests and/or suggestions from 2023 event ride and member surveys.